The original Manitoba Physical Activity Action Plan (MPAAP) was developed in 2001. In 2014 a summit was held with the purpose to review and update the MPAAP.
The renewed Manitoba Physical Activity Action Plan (MPAAP) broad goal is to increase physical activity among all Manitobans. The MPAAP builds on the stakeholder input, reflects reported achievements and successes across the sector and considers the current operating environment. It is a Action Plan that is sector driven and sector owned.
The Manitoba Physical Activity Action Plan brings together organizations, groups and government departments committed and invested to building healthy, active communities for Manitobans of all ages and abilities. It is an opportunity to continue to work together on priorities and actions that can help address the growing physical inactivity crisis. It is also an opportunity to be part of the 'change agenda' locally, provincially and nationally that is focused on improving the quality of life for Manitobans and Canadians.
For a copy of the Manitoba Physical Activity Action Plan (June 2014) click here!
The Stakeholder Engagement Report highlights the feedback and results from an online stakeholder survey, focus groups and a one day stakeholder summit. This information was compiled and the findings were used to inform the Manitoba Physical Activity Action Plan.
For a copy of the Stakeholder Engagement Report (to inform the MPAAP), click here!
The MPAAP Evaluation Plan (April 2016) provides a framework for evaluating the work of PACM and the progress toward the priorities and objective set out in the MPAAP. The plan runs from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2020 and sets an approach to demonstrate the effectiveness of PACM and the MPAAP in the short and long term.
For a copy of the Evaluation Plan, click here.
For a copy of the Evaluation Report 2021 click here.
As part of the Evaluation Plan PACM Activity highlight documents were prepared for reference by members and stakeholders. The documents are available here:
The PACM Review occurred during fall 2016 as a way to measure the effectiveness of PACM and gather input on improving PACM's approach. A copy of the report is available here.
As a result of the review we have changed the organizational structure and name. We are working on connecting Manitobans to Physical Activity and working collaboratively with organizations looking to revise or renew policies that enhance physical activity access for all.
About the associationPAM is a group of organizations interested in promoting increased physical activity by all Manitobans through promotion, collaboration and education. |